Saturday, April 24, 2010

In 30 Minutes, You Can Learn How To Achieve Your Outcomes Using Social Media!

Dear Real Estate Professional,

The past 90 days have been great, haven't they? Just like old times! Lots of activity and lots of deals! But if you're like me, you're worried...

Are you worried that with the expiration of the $8000 Tax Credit that business will also dry up?

I know that I am! I can't help but wonder if I've just done the bulk of my 2010 production over the past 90 days. And I haven't made a year's income yet!

We are living in extremely anxious times - no doubt about it. And if you are still hanging in there as a full-time real estate professional, I want to commend you! You are exactly the kind of dedicated and persistent professional my business partner Neil and I are committed to helping.

Celebrating my 30th year in real estate, one thing is very clear to me:

The strategies that once worked are no longer adequate to meet the demands of today's market.

Abraham Lincoln said:
"The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew."

What would it be worth to you to have a low-cost system that generates referrals and leads consistently?

If your business MUST be better in 2010 than it was in 2009, then you must join us on our next FREE call:

"Free Leads Using Social Media"
Wednesday, April 28th
9 a.m. (Pacific) - 11 a.m. (Central) - noon (Eastern)
Register now in the sign in box at the right. >>>

Real Estate Marketing Results is committed to helping real estate agents utilize the Web 2.0 experience to generate leads, build relationships with new and existing clients and, in short, transform their businesses.

We are committed to giving you so much jam-packed **FREE** content that you will walk away with a minimum of 3 actionable items that you can put into place immediately.

And even if you're not available at that time,
go ahead and register anyway.

By registering today, you will receive an Action Guide with screen shots, diagrams and an outline that you can use to take notes and use over and over again as reference. In addition, you will receive an mp3 of the call to listen to over and over again.

And if you truly want to maximize your learning experience, bring a friend with you onto the call - someone that can serve as your accountability partner.

Register now in the sign in box at the right. >>>

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday!

"To Your Success!"
Neil Venketramen
Mary Nack